
How to join Granny Squares, using the Join-as-you-go (JAYG) method

Today I am going to show you a great (new to me) technique for joining granny squares.  The Join-as-you-go or JAYG method is super quick and easy once you know how.

The one thing I absolutely love about crochet, is that I don’t think I will ever stop learning.  I have seen this method many times before but they were joined using a border colour.  I wanted to know how to join them with a different colour on each square, just like my Insta friend Amanda of @eightbysix, I have always admired her granny squares, she has the feed of dreams!!  & she very kindly talked me through how she joins her squares & I don’t think I will join them any other way now!

Please note: This is an example of one version of the JAYG method, to me it is the easiest & quickest, there is no right or wrong, this is just my preferred way of joining.

This tutorial is – how to join granny squares, if you would like to know HOW to make a granny square or WHAT you can make with them? check out my blog post Easy Granny Square Bag.


I have used Deramores Studio DK yarn in shades Ocean, Dusky Lilac, Mustard, Smoke & Slate.  You can purchase this yarn here.

Let’s get started…….

I have used a 5 round granny square for my tutorial.  I will call the square you are working on the …..working square & the square you are joining to the…….joining square.

  • To begin you need to finish a whole granny square.
  • For the next working square, complete up to round 4, then only crochet three sides of round 5. (stopping after the 1st cluster on a corner)

  • Place the working square on the side you wish to join it to.

  • Insert your hook into the corner space of the joining square you want to join to, yarn over & slip stitch to join, chain 1

  • Make your 2nd corner cluster into the working square, insert your hook into the next space (between clusters) on the joining square & slip stitch.
  • Make a cluster in the next space (between clusters) on your working square, insert your hook into the next space (between clusters) on the joining square yarn over & slip stitch.

  • Repeat the above steps until you reach your corner, you will make a cluster in the corner of your working square, slip stitch into the corner space of your joining square & slip stitch straight into the top of your beginning chain 3 to join. (if you like here you can chain 1 after the slip stitch, but I think by omitting it, gives a cleaner, straighter edge.)

  • To join another square, complete up to round 4, then only crochet two sides of round 5. (stopping after the 1st cluster on a corner).  Place the working square on the side you wish to join it to.  Follow the above steps until you reach the corner.

  • After the 1st corner cluster in your working square, insert your hook in to the corner space of the joining square (grey), yarn over & slip stitch, now you are going to turn & join down the other side of the working square, so insert your hook into the corner space of the new joining square (pink), yarn over & slip stitch.

  • Make your 2nd corner cluster into the working square, insert your hook into the next space (between clusters) on the joining square yarn over & slip stitch……..continue as above for all squares now.

I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial for the join-as-you-go method, happy hooking!!!


How to join Granny Squares using the join as you go method, a FREE crochet tutorial


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